Mario Dropped By…


[tags]Super Mario, Nintendo[/tags]

It burned my eyes!!!!


Ahhhgggg the pain!!!!

[tags]Star Wars, Darth Vader, Hello Kitty Darth Vader [/tags]

Alerta de Phishing – CGD

This is a P.F.P.P. – Post For Portuguese People, please excuse 😉

Entre ontem e hoje a maioria dos portugueses deve ter recebido nas suas caixas de e-mail mais uma nova tentativa de Phishing, desta vez o alvo foram os clientes da Caixa Geral de Depósitos.

Apesar de muito mal escrito, nota-se que é um português “abrasileirado”, o e-mail contém links para um site com um design semelhante aos sites de homebanking da CGD, esses links chegam ao ponto de estarem “disfarçados”

<a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"><span lang="EN-US"><wbr>/servlet/icbApp/</span></a>

Como devem ter reparado, não tem nada a ver com a Fazendo um WHOIS ao dominio observamos:

Domain Name : (CGDONL2-BMN-DOM)
Registrar : BookMyName
Whois Server :
Referral URL :

Registrant / Admin Contact :

14 Griffin Road

02038 Franklin
phone : 508-520-0086
fax :
e-mail : *************

Billing Contact :

14 Griffin Road

02038 Franklin
phone : 508-520-0086
fax :
e-mail : *************

Technical Contact :

14 Griffin Road

02038 Franklin
phone : 508-520-0086
fax :
e-mail : *************

Domain servers : (NMC160-BMN-HST) (NMC161-BMN-HST)

Created on 07/12/2006 22:02:53
Updated on 07/20/2006 17:16:33
Expires on 07/12/2007 18:02:53

Estes dados provavelmente são falsos e nem vale a pena explorar mais por aqui. De resto o email é enviado de, o que também não deve de ser de grande utilidade porque o que não falta ai são servidores de email escancarados ao mundo.

O Thunderbird classifica este e-mail como “Internet Scam”, o que já ajuda os utilizadores mais iluminados 😉

Mais uma vez, cuidado com os e-mails, isto mesmo mal feito apanha muita gente menos informada e desprevenida.

Agradecimento ao Sérgio por ter facultado o e-mail em questão… o que eu recebi já tinha sido apagado.

[tags]Phishing, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, CGD, Hacking[/tags]

Tux Spoted

New Google Talk Features: VoiceMail, File Transfer and Music Status

Google Talk just got updated, the new features are:

  • File Transfer
    With this top requested new feature, you can send unlimited files and folders to your friends through Google Talk. There is no restriction on the file type or size and the peer-to-peer transfer is fast and reliable.
  • Voicemail
    If a friend isn’t around to answer your call, now you can leave a voicemail. You can even leave voicemail messages for your friends who don’t use Google Talk–they’ll receive an email with the message attached as an audio file.
  • Music Status
    Listening to music while on Google Talk? Now you can let your friends see what you’re listening to by selecting “Show current music track” in your status menu. Your status message will change when your song does!

More details here.

Update: The version available for download is still the, the update is only available through the “Update Now” button on the Google Talk menu, but it seems that it doesn’t work all the time, so here’s a direct link to the new version

[tags]Google, Google Talk[/tags]

Sysadmin Appreciation Day



Friday, July 28th, 2006, is the 7th annual System Administrator Appreciation Day. On this special international day, give your System Administrator something that shows that you truly appreciate their hard work and dedication.

Let’s face it, System Administrators get no respect 364 days a year. This is the day that all fellow System Administrators across the globe, will be showered with expensive sports cars and large piles of cash in appreciation of their diligent work. But seriously, we are asking for a nice token gift and some public acknowledgement. It’s the least you could do.

Consider all the daunting tasks and long hours (weekends too.) Let’s be honest, sometimes we don’t know our System Administrators as well as they know us. Remember this is one day to recognize your System Administrator for their workplace contributions and to promote professional excellence. Thank them for all the things they do for you and your business.

[tags]Sysadmins, Sysadmin Appreciation Day[/tags]

At Last! The Tools For World Domination!!!


More here!

[tags]Monty Python, Knight of NI Hat, Knights of Ni, World Domination[/tags]

Drive In Forum Montijo

My apologies to my non portuguese readers, this post only matters to us portuguese.

A partir de hoje e até ao dia 15 de Agosto, está aberto ao público um Cinema Drive In no Forum Montijo.

As sessões começam pelas 21:30 com entrada livre. Para os mais interessados, aqui fica a agenda:

27/07 – À Procura da Terra do Nunca

28/07 – O Fabuloso Destino de Amélie Poulain

29/07 – Cidade de Deus

30/07 – Moulin Rouge

31/07 – A Idade do Gelo

01/08 – Residência Espanhola

02/08 – Antes do Anoitecer

03/08 – Alguém Tem Que Ceder

04/08 – O Segredo dos Punhais Voadores

05/08 – O Grande Peixe

06/08 – O Amor é Um Lugar Estranho

07/08 – A Viagem de Chihiro

08/08 – Gato Preto, Gato Branco

09/08 – A Domadora de Baleias

10/08 – A Domadora de Baleias

11/08 – O Fiel Jardineiro

12/08 – Perto Demais

13/08 – Tróia

14/08 – O Fantasma da Ópera

15/08 – Rapariga com Brinco de Pérola

[tags]Cinema, Forum Montijo, Drive In[/tags]

PSP Firmware 2.80

New features of v2.80 are:

* [RSS] You can now download video and image content.
* [LocationFree] You can now register decivces via a wireless LAN access point.
* [Music] .3gp formatted AAC files can now be played.
* You can now play content saved in MUSIC, PICTURE and VIDEO folders on the MemoryStick.

Still available only through Network Update, you can download it here.

[tags]Sony, PSP, Firmware, Update[/tags]

Regina Spektor


Lately, this lady has been filling my musical needs… her latest album is very very good. A breath of fresh air…

[tags]Regina Spektor, Begin to Hope[/tags]

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