I, Switcher
It’s been a few days since I last posted something here. These last weeks have been very fast and full of everything. I got back from the USA on the 14th with a bag full of projects to work on and a backpack with a MacBook Pro. The work and the tools, everything I need to have my days occupied for the next 100 years 😛
But, as the tradition demands, here’re my 2 Euro cents on my switching from Windows / Linux to Mac.
First, let me tell you I’ve been a Windows user since 3.1 and in the last years more inclined to Linux. Though I used more Linux at home as my main PC at my previous job I had to use Windows no matter what. Using a five year old platform like Windows XP really grown bad on me since I’m a geek that likes to test new platforms and craves for innovation.
My contact with Macs was very reduced, I used an iMac only a few days and enjoyed it, the system was different but pleasant to use, everything was located in the most logical places and was very easy to use. That iMac sparked my curiosity about Macs but the professional factors didn’t allow me to switch to Mac by then, Windows was something I really had to use and Linux become the escape from MS’s platform. It was different, more technical, it gave me the technological edge I was looking for besides being a very good platform to work on personal projects.