Well, Fedora 7 (no Core this time) was finally released today, I’m burning the ISO as I type this and I’m going to install it on top of my Fedora 7 Test 4 installation, to see what’s new. For those who haven’t read about Moonshine (aka Fedora 7) check some of the features here.
Meanwhile, Fedora 8 is peeking 😉
[tags]Fedora, Linux, RedHat[/tags]
Happy 30th Anniversary

[tags]Star Wars[/tags]
Clean Fedora Project
The Fedora Project Website shows a new clean face, probably anticipating the release of Fedora 7 today on May 31… (BTW I’m using the test 4 version :D). Looking forward for this new release guys!
[tags]Fedora, Fedora Project[/tags]
Ubuntu / Dell
Dell released a post with more details on the recent Ubuntu support.
Not bad if I may say so… I was expecting Dell to provide a ‘fire and forget’ kind of support for Ubuntu PCs…
[tags]Dell, Ubuntu, Linux[/tags]
Favorite B’day Presents

– The Lord of the Rings – The Two Towers and Return of the King Special Edition DVDs
– Ray Ban Sunglasses
– Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
[tags]The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, Return of the King, Ray Ban, Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops[/tags]

29, originally uploaded by Leo Reynolds.
Yup… getting old. 🙂

Shamika, originally uploaded by Ricardo Saramago.
An early wedding gift from my best man and his family… Thanks guys, Shamika rocks!
Lisbon OpenCoffee Club – 1st Meeting Review
Well the 1st one is gone! Although we were only 6 persons, the OpenCoffee “goals” were achieved: we traded contacts, spoke about ideas, startup projects, shared opinions and advice, all this in a cool and relaxed mood. The funny thing is that the OpenCoffee become an OpenDinner, the time to dine had come and since we were so close to all the restaurants, we picked the quite nice “Pasta Café” for a great dinner 🙂
The next one will be planned more carefully, hoping that way more people will show up 😛
[tags]opencoffee, lisbon opencoffee club[/tags]
1st Lisbon OpenCoffee Club Meeting
We finally set a date for the first Lisbon OpenCoffee Club Meeting, it will be on April May 10th, in the Centro Comercial Vasco da Gama at 7 PM. If you want to join us, drop by the group’s Upcoming page and subscribe, let us know you’re coming.
Update: I finally managed to create an event page for the meeting.
[tags]OpenCoffee, Lisbon OpenCoffee Club, Lisbon, Lisboa[/tags]