Nokia N95 Viral Marketing Campaign
[tags]Nokia, N95, viral[/tags]
[tags]Nokia, N95, viral[/tags]
New Firefox release. Here’s the link for the release notes.
[tags]Mozilla, Firefox[/tags]
Well, I have 3 invites to get a Fonera for 20รขโยฌ. Just drop me a line if you’re interested.
Update: I’m out of invites. As soon as I have more I’ll make a new post.
[tags]fon, fonera[/tags]
I was watching some OLPC related videos on RH Magazine, when I noticed that the OLPC has the same icons and button disposition as the Playstation (s). Since Sony has the icons trademarked, isn’t that a danger for the OLPC project??
[tags]sony, olpc, dual shock[/tags]
Hummm… what’s happening here?
Saying that today is hot is no news to anyone. I haven’t place a foot on the street since yesterday and I’ve been more time away from the computer than usual because even the heat that emanates from both my computer screens makes a difference. I used the time to relax, put my sleeping hours in day, listened to some podcasts and now I’m off for a good reading.
I’ve another post to write regarding the new HP Photosmart C6180 I bought for my home office, but I’ll probably end writing it when the temp. goes down…
[tags]hot, hot, hot as shit, even hotter[/tags]
Pownce is what you can probably call a Twitter on steroids, besides the IM features you can send links, files and events to a friend or a specific group of people. The catch? Well, if you want to send bigger files up to 100 mb and get rid of the ads you can go Pro for 20 bucks a year.
Pounce even has a Twiterrific like Apollo AIR based app that you can download ๐ Looks clean and sleek.
Pounce is still in Beta but I have 6 invites, so if you want to try drop me a comment.
[tags]Pownce, Twitter[/tags]
I have 5 Skitch invites for the first who leave a comment… a NICE comment!
Thanks to J., I’m now a big fan of coffee. For many years I tried to enjoy coffee, specially the “expresso”, or as we call it a “bica”, without success. I tried the different coffee brands available at the local coffee shops, some were good, but the problem with the coffee was almost always external. From burned coffee, to dirty coffee cups, I must have passed through most of the downsides of drinking a coffee at a coffee shop. Nevertheless, to me, the worse problem was second hand smoking. It was difficult to enjoy a coffee when 90% of the customers were smokers.
J. offered us a Nespresso machine as a wedding gift, and since then I’ve never enjoyed coffee so much. First because I’m still finding the best coffee blend (which is being hard since most of the blends taste so good), second because I found out that coffee actually calms me down, so it’s great to relax (strange caffeine effect) and third because the Nespresso coffee is a success among family and friends, who tastes Nespresso becomes a potential customer ๐
So, J. let me know when you get back from Paris so I can treat you to a Livanto ๐
[tags]Nespresso, Livanto, Coffee[/tags]