Life Saver – Upload iPhone Carrier Settings

If you want to upload modified or standard operator carrier settings to your iPhone, just type this in your terminal:

defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE

This way you can upload the settings via iTunes without having to install the previous beta versions that allowed this by default.

Facebook Vanity URL’s Hysteria


Much has been said since Facebook allowed the new “vanity URL’s” (or user url’s like I rather call it, since vanity urls is purely an american expression adopted from the vanity plates they have in their cars).

Most of the posts about this are from users bitching about the way Facebook roll out this feature, allowing the users to choose any alias to be used in regardless of their username, unlike Twitter that has Others rant about the fact that Facebook should have provided something like, forgeting that Facebook has milions of users and something like that would have a termendous weight in their DNSs…

But, as always, there’s something good to learn. One of the posts I read about this subject (no link, sorry, can’t find it) mentioned a cool way to give your Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, [insert your favorite social network here] URL’s to other people, that is, if you have your own domain.

In my case, my domain is, so I created some subdomains redirecting to the social networks I use the most:

This way, I can give an url that’s easy to memorize and always mentions my “brand name”, cool enough to use on a visit card 🙂