I Need a Wake Up Call…
I took some time to look at my blog and it saddens me to say that I my post count has never been so low, both in quantity and quality.
I still rant and have my own opinions (DUH!) but the need to share my different views with the world (the five persons who visit my blog) has changed. Don’t ask my why, maybe it’s laziness, procrastination or just the “plague” of Twitter and Facebook micro blogging… this or perhaps the excess of information available on the Internet.
Face it. It has never been so easy to get information on whatever topic you want, specially if you’re into technology and video games. There are millions of sites and blogs replicating every bit of news and info that comes up, it’s like an infinite echo of information. What value do we, as bloggers, add to the flow of information? Our personal opinions? Rants? Sometimes we might even mislead our readers when our posts have little or no quality…
I guess the true reason I stoped blogging is because I “looked around” and found out that I’m not actually creating, I’m not adding value, I’m copying what’s being copied millions of times per second. I’m an echo…
Yup… I need a wake up call. We all do.
Ora Ricardo, sinto exactamente a mesma coisa e nem twitter ou facebook me desperta a vontade de repetir o que já foi dito milhares de vezes e tornar-me parte do ruído, o pouco que escrevo e torno público serve mais para minha futura memória do que realmente trazer valor aos outros.
Bom post.