The Blogs are Dead… again.

I often forget that I own a blog.

This place…. where I began blogging in 2005, is becoming 10 years old in September.

10 years of mostly obsolete content and information. I tought about deleting it out of shame of not updating it even once a month… guess that says a lot about myself and the life I’m living now.

Facebook, twitter, instagram take most of my attention and get 100% of the content I generate, still none of them feel the same as writing here. It doesn’t make sense, I know. And I don’t know why I can’t make myself write here as often as I should.

I think it’s probably because social sites are faster and lazy Of course you can write decent posts in Facebook, but reposts, retweets, photo posts, are way more easier and faster… A blog always demanded more. More attention, more caution, more love.

I’ll try… once again… to discipline myself into writing here.

That, or I’ll drop this space, once and for all.

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