Jetpack your WordPress
Jetpack is a new plugin for your WordPress (either .com or self hosted installations) from Automattic, that provides a cool set of features:ย Hovercards, Stats, After the Deadline, Twitter widget, shortcodes, shortlinks, easy Facebook/Twitter/WordPress sharing buttons and even LaTex.
More features will be available in the future.
You’ll need a account to have it working on your self hosted WordPress blog, but it’s free and you don’t even need to create a new blog.
Although most of these features are available as separate plugins from other developers, Jetpack consolidates all in one, consuming less memory (at least for me) and storing some of the data on the cloud.
Jetpack is available for free and can be downloaded here.
Life Saver – Upload iPhone Carrier Settings
If you want to upload modified or standard operator carrier settings to your iPhone, just type this in your terminal:
defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE
This way you can upload the settings via iTunes without having to install the previous beta versions that allowed this by default.
The Konami Code
A few months ago I wrote an article about the Konami code on 8-Bit Revolution which surprisingly is become an Internet trend / meme. If you don’t know what is the Konami Code, well, I’ll give you the light version.

The Konami Code was created by Kazuhisa Hashimoto, the developer responsible for the port of Konami’s Gradius for the NES in 1986. After finding the game very difficult to play during the tests, he created a code that allowed the player to have all power-ups that would normally be acquired during the game. When the final version of Gradius was released on the market, the code was included by mistake.
The code would only become famous in Contra for the NES. The difficulty of Contra was too high but with this code the player could have 30 extra lives and playing the game became a possible mission.
Even today, all iterations Gradius react to the Konami Code, each in its own way. For example, Gradius III destroys the ship when you load the code.
Today, Konami Code is more than a simple “cheat code” is a cultural icon of a generation. A generation of retrogamers easily recognizes and identifies the code, many are proud to recite in the code by heart ๐
Slow Blog
As you might have noticed, things are a little bit in the slow here, mainly because I’ve been spending my blogging time writing for 8-Bit Revolution.
So, if you can read Portuguese and you love videogames, drop by. ๐
Can Someone explain me this?
# Visit type: Spider – Google AdSense
# IP:
# Hostname:
# Url Requested: /blog/category/computer-stuff/security
# User Agent: Mediapartners-Google
Why is the GoogleBot requesting a URL from my blog with what looks like an SQL Injection attack?
Dear Mr. Google…
Mr. Firefox came out with version 3 and your Browser Sync Plugin is not supported. Can you please update it?
Celso put the word on the street and I decided to try it out, fastest $20 I ever spent ๐
DTerm – A command line anywhere and everywhere.
[tags]DTerm, BASH, Mac OS X[/tags]
Google Embeded Presentations
Yup… They did it again ๐ Just like a YouTube movie, you can now embed Google Presentations into any website.
[tags]Google, Google Presentations[/tags]