
NerdTV – The first Macintosh programmer…ever

This is the title of the first episode from the NerdTV weekly online TV show from technology columnist Robert X. Cringely.

You can watch the video, download the audio in mp3, ogg and aac and read the transcript. Excellent for a podcast 😉

[tags]NerdTV, Apple, Macintosh, Podcasting[/tags]

Firefox 1.5 Beta 1

Firefox Logo

Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 was out a few days ago. I’m testing it in my work windows box and it has some serious problems with the Clipboard (Paste / Copy issues) and right click menu options. Other than that is quite stable, no crashes whatsoever, oh and FAST!!! The extensions stoped working as well as the themes I had installed.

I didn’t installed it in my Suse laptop (yet) but Pedro tested the Linux version and says it’s working fine.

[tags]Firefox, Linux, Browsers[/tags]

Only for iPod lovers

I liked the Mercedes one… lol

– Check here – Colorware

[tags]iPod, Modding, Costumise[/tags]

iPod Video or something else

Someone found stuff in the iTunes.rsrc and Localized.rsrc files within iTunes. A new “Purchased Movies” icon is present but nowhere to be used (yet).

Check it here.

[tags]Apple, iPod, iPod Video, iTunes[/tags]

Bonjour in ITunes 5

Did anyone noticed that iTunes 5 installs and starts the Bonjour service in Windows XP?

Bonjour – Enables hardware devices and software services to automatically configure themselves on the network and advertise their presence, so that users can discover and use those services without any unnecessary manual setup or administration.

Version 5 of iTunes also loads the InstallDriver Table Manager service and as the previous versions also did, the iPod Service service, which loads even if there isn’t an iPod present.

A safe configuration should be:

  • Bonjour Service: disabled
  • InstallDriver Table Manager: manual
  • iPod Service: manual (or even disabled if you don’t own an iPod).

Looks like Apple is not so keen in security as I tought (at least in Windows XP 😀 )

[tags]Apple, Bonjour, Security[/tags]

Technorati Plugin

Just checking if this works…

[tags]WordPress, WordPress Plugin, Technorati[/tags]

More on Apple Music

Acording to this Playlist article, the ROKR has some serious limitations.

Bonus in the same post: Nano button combinations.

ITunes and the Brushed Metal Theme

No Brushed Metal in ITunes… SO WHAT?!??!!!

The Nano (or Yet Another Nano Post)

IPod Nano

The iPod Nano was no surprise for me. The Shuffle left a very big gap between the existing iPods at the time, people wanted the same iPod look with all the mobility of the Shuffle and now Apple made that dream came true.

It looks goods, it’s very sleek and sexy, like it’s big brother, yet it doesn’t appeal to me. Why? I’m replacing my Creative Jukebox 3 by a iPod 20GB in the next month because I broke it by accident (don’t fall asleep with your mp3 player in hands).

It would be very hard for me to replace 20Gb by 4Gb, I don’t like to be constantly changing the mp3 collection on my player, so no Nano for me.

Next month I’ll be enjoying my iPod 20Gb (and hopping not to fall asleep while listening to some tunes)… and that will be the first step to entering the Apple Universe (but that is another story).


… hello!

Or should I say “Hello World”?
This is my latest blog, included in what’s going to be my personal site

I really hope I got it right this time. I hope WordPress can provide me with all the “blogging power” I was looking for.

So… what can will you find here? A blog. My blog. A geek’s blog. About my stuff, tech stuff, news, rants, and everything else that crosses my mind. I’ll try not to get bored… and not to bore you, so without further a do, let’s blog 🙂

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