Nintendo is selling it’s soul??
Nintendo confirmed to GameDaily BIZ that they will release a DVD-enabled Wii in 2007. After hanging on to the “only game play matters” speech, Nintendo is releasing outside Japan a Wii version that will play DVDs and the worst is that it won’t be a change via software upgrade but a full new version on the newly released Wii. Advertising this when the Wii is getting launched is, IMHO, not the smartest thing to do but, at least if you’re planning to buy a Wii now you’ll know what you can expect next year…
[tags]Nintendo, Wii, DVD[/tags]
Well… I think a DVD player in a console made sense in 2002, but these days? I can buy one for 40€…
This makes some sense in Japan, where apparently they live in very small homes, and size makes a lot of difference (their biggest complaint about the original Xbox was that it was too big). Having one device less may be attractive to them..
But to us here? With one or more dedicated DVD players at home, not to mention one per PC?
Would you play, say, 30€ more for the DVD-playing Wii? Me, I don’t think I would. I don’t think I’d ever use that functionality…
The dvd Wii will only be launched on Japan ….
@Rui: “Nintendo of America has confirmed to GameDaily BIZ that a DVD-enabled Wii is indeed coming to the U.S. Previous reports suggested that this may have been a Japan-only promotion. Sonic Solutions will be providing the DVD navigation software for the Wii.”