EventBox – Dreams Come True

I confess that I’m a little addicted to social networking. I often try new social networks and apps but sometimes I wish that there was only one or only one way to use them all. The ones I use the most are Twitter, Flickr, Jaiku, Digg and the usual gazillion RSS feeds if you can count them as social networking tools.

One of the blogs I follow about Mac applications is UsingMac and in today’s “daily fix” of posts I came across EventBox.

EventBox is like a dream come true for me. It gathers 7 of the most used social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Digg, Pownce, Reddit and last but not least RSS aggregation all in one application.

The interface is bliss and pure integration with Leopard. Still in Beta, EventBox features high quality features for each social network service you use, like public and private replying in Twitter, section filtering on Digg, multiple file uploading on Flickr and everything gets to use Growl for notifications.

While very good, there’s still a lot of room for improvement in EventBox. A wide preview pane for RSS to better use widescreen space would be welcome as well as adding more social networks to the list like Jaiku. Adding search, groups and user profile information options in Twitter like Tweetdeck has would be very useful as well. EventBox is not free though, it costs $20 which is not much, specially when you can optimize your usage of social networks, getting rid of 5 or 6 different apps or browser tabs.


User Input

  • Hugo Sousa says:

    Hmm, looks cool… any alternative for windows or linux? 😛

  • Nuno Povoa says:

    Very cool! thanks for the tip.

    Wish List:
    Add comments and share RSS links on google reader
    Update facebook and twitter at the same time

    aside from that, wonderful app. I’m coughing up the 20 bucks.

  • Odrakir says:

    @Hugo Sousa: Not that I know of… but look around and let me know if you find anything 😀

    @Nuno Povoa: Very Cool indeed, I was waiting for something like this for a long time!

  • […] called Eventbox. Actually this blog entry does a much better job explaining what it can do, and what a difference it means for advanced users.If you imagine the dashboard of Facebook (credit to Stowe Boyd) but under your control using the […]