
The Feng-Gui ViewFinder Heatmap service simulates human visual attention and creates areas of attention heatmap on a photo or site. Find out how people view your website and which areas of the page are getting most of the attention. The concept is great, but I doubt the results are reliable because when I entered my blog’s URL the attention areas were only on the header and on the edges (because of the contrast in the design). Eye-tracking is still unbeatable for this kind of analysis.

[tags]Feng-Gui, heatmap, attention, perception, [/tags]

User Input

  • feng-gui says:

    Hi Odarkir,
    thanks for sharing feng-gui with the rest of the world.
    regards the “attention areas were only on the header and on the edges “, this is not a bug in the algorithm, your eyes are attracted to those places.
    we plan to upload an enhanced version of the algorithm which will decrease the visibility of this situation, in order to have it more similar to a “top-down” thinking visual search pattern.

    on the other hand 🙂 , as I learnd before, it can be called a bug, because, a bug, by definition is when there is a misunderstanding.

    thank you,
    feng-gui team

  • Odrakir says:

    Hi Feng-Gui Team 🙂

    Thanks for dropping by. The service is good but I bet you can improve it even more. I noticed that there were almost no marked areas around the text, that was strange. I’ll be waiting for the changes you mention, keep up the good work!