My Thoughts on the PSP These Days

I don’t play with my PSP since I bought the DS Lite.

Why? Not only because New Super Mario Bros., Tetris and Brain Age are friggin addictive, but mainly due to the fact that there’s nothing new worth to buy/play since June (except for Locoroco which I’m getting next month).

The PSP has become a lame homebrew platform. Except for some emulators, the homebrew scene on the PSP is awfully dull and does not bring anything worth of atention. On the other side, Sony is still killing one of the best portable consoles ever, with lame PSOne remakes, expensive UMD movies and a lack of a good Music / Movies / Games Online service. The PSP is, at this time, in a state of coma.

Tekken Dark Resurrection, Sonic Rivals, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Portable Ops., these are the games that still give me some hope and stop me from selling my PSP.

My advice to Sony: stop wasting time with GPS adapters, VOIP and videocameras (that seem never to be released anyway) and start developing good games, creative games. Lower the game prices, stop releasing remakes (aren’t we getting a PSONE emulator?), release more Japanese titles on the rest of the world.


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